Category: MySQL
近一个多月,写了一些MySQL内核的文字,稍作总结,希望对大家有帮助。 1.《InnoDB,为何并发如此之高?》 文章介绍了: (1)什么是并发控制; (2)并发控制的常见方法:锁,数据多版本; (3)redo,undo,回滚段的实践; (4)InnoDB如何利用回滚段实现MVCC,实现快照读。 结论是,快照读(Snapshot Read),这种不加锁的读,是InnoDB高并发的核心原因之一。 番外篇:《快照读,在RR和RC下的差异》 快照读,在可重复读与读提交两种事务隔离级别下,有微小的差异,文章通过案例做了简单叙述。
1. 引言 大家在面试中有没遇到面试官问你下面六句Sql的区别呢
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select * from table where id = ? select * from table where id < ? select * from table where id = ? lock in share mode select * from table where id < ? lock in share mode select * from table where id = ? for update select * from table where id < ? for update |
今天和大家简单聊聊MySQL的约束主键与唯一索引约束: PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE Index Constraints 文章不长,保证有收获。
[Repost]Why Uber Engineering Switched from Postgres to MySQL
1. Introduction The early architecture of Uber consisted of a monolithic backend application written in Python that used Postgres for data persistence. Since that time, the architecture of Uber has changed significantly, to a model of microservices and...