Category: Micro Service Architecture
In Kubernetes, the Liveness and Readiness Kubernetes concepts represent facets of the application state. The Liveness state of an application tells whether the internal state is valid. If Liveness is broken, this means that the application...
We found the spring boot project running containers will keep restarting after some time, maybe 10 days, maybe 5 days. The root cause is spring logback is writing log files into /tmp/ directory as...
In microservices, the front service should use the Authorization Code(Grant Type) to let users log in with the web browser, and other services in the background should use Client Credentials(Grant Type).
Continue with Design Log Monitor System Prototype For Spring MVC 1. Practice 1-1. 1. Log format You can define yours own team log format. Name Remark requestID uuid timestamp log record time level log level...
1. Background In this article, a log monitor system is designed for one classic monolithic Spring MVC project, which contains three module layers: Controller, Service, and Repository. 2. Requirement All system exceptions should be...
1. Microservices in Practice Nowadays, Microservices is one of the most popular buzz-word in the field of software architecture. There are quite a lot of learning materials on the fundamentals and the benefits of...
Microservice architecture has become the de facto choice for modern application development. Though it solves certain problems, it is not a silver bullet. It has several drawbacks and when using this architecture, there are...
This article will show you how to integrate WeChat login with your website. 1. Register develop account Register an account at and apply for verification, it takes several days.