Category: Java Architecture
Hibernate second-level cache stops all database operation
The customer reported today that one of our services stopped working, the new coming data can not be saved into the database. After checking the logs, there are a lot of “Hazelcast instance is...
40张图看懂SkyWalking分布式追踪系统原理及实践 不论是 CPU,内存,还是响应时间,使用 SkyWalking 带来的性能损耗几乎可以忽略不计。 接下来我们再来看 SkyWalking 与另一款业界比较知名的分布式追踪工具 Zipkin, Pinpoint 的对比(在采样率为 1 秒 1 个,线程数 500,请求总数为 5000 的情况下做的对比),可以看到在关键的响应时间上, Zipkin(117ms),PinPoint(201ms)远逊色于 SkyWalking(22ms)
美团(Leaf)分布式ID生成器 ULID – 一种比UUID更好的方案 为什么MySQL不推荐使用uuid或者雪花id作为主键? 时间占用量总体可以打出的效率排名为:auto_key>random_key>uuid 那么使用自增的id就完全没有坏处了吗?并不是,自增id也会存在以下几点问题: ①别人一旦爬取你的数据库,就可以根据数据库的自增id获取到你的业务增长信息,很容易分析出你的经营情况 ②对于高并发的负载,innodb在按主键进行插入的时候会造成明显的锁争用,主键的上界会成为争抢的热点,因为所有的插入都发生在这里,并发插入会导致间隙锁竞争 ③Auto_Increment锁机制会造成自增锁的抢夺,有一定的性能损失 我在项目里用雪花算法搞了唯一ID生成,结果上线就引发了故障 我们猜测是不是服务器上的时钟不同步后,又自动进行同步了,前后时间不一致。
[转]HttpClient 连接池设置引发的一次雪崩
1. 一. 事件背景 我最近运维了一个网上的实时接口服务,最近经常出现Address already in use (Bind failed)的问题。很明显是一个端口绑定冲突的问题,于是大概排查了一下当前系统的网络连接情况和端口使用情况,发现是有大量time_wait的连接一直占用着端口没释放,导致端口被占满(最高的时候6w+个),因此HttpClient建立连接的时候会出现申请端口冲突的情况。
Self-contained System Each SCS is an autonomous web application. For the SCS’s domain, all data, the logic to process that data and all code to render the web interface is contained within the SCS....
Disable Logback log files in containers
We found the spring boot project running containers will keep restarting after some time, maybe 10 days, maybe 5 days. The root cause is spring logback is writing log files into /tmp/ directory as...
如果accessToken放Client端,refreshToken存储在服务器,那么会违背微服务的无状态构架初衷。 accessToken和refreshToken统一放在Client端,可以遵循微服务无状态构架。 两种情况都可以通过accessToken来延长refreshToken,做到长时间保持登录状态的需求。
Be careful, when you are using in JPA
in some JPA project, is used this way:
sometime the oldEntity will be set with new properties, but sometimes you will find that the new assigned ID has not been set to...
The message is xxx bytes when serialized which is larger than the maximum request size you have configured with the max.request.size configuration.
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException: The message is xxxx bytes when serialized which is larger than the maximum request size you have configured with the max.request.size configuration. How to fix this when you are using confluent Kafka docker....